The Happiness Pulse uses a set of core wellbeing questions set within three survey modules (in addition to General Wellbeing)


Mental and emotional wellbeing – how people think and feel about their lives*


Behavioural wellbeing – how people think, what they do that supports better lives.


Social wellbeing – how people connect with others.

*The BE domain comprises questions from the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS). The Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale was developed with funding provided by the Scottish Government’s National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well-being. It was commissioned by NHS Health Scotland, developed by the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh in 2006, and is jointly owned by NHS Health Scotland, the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh.

Why not take the survey for yourself?

The best way to get a sense of how it is to take the survey as a respondent is by taking it yourself. It gives you instant results which will help you to understand your own wellbeing.

Alternatively you can view a full list of questions and answer scales here.

Try out the survey

Together these elements help paint a detailed picture of how people are feeling and functioning.

This information can then be used to drive better decision making at an individual, community and city scale.

Survey Methodology


For general wellbeing we use two of the four ONS questions on personal wellbeing.
The BE survey module comprises the seven questions from the short version Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS) as these questions are robust, subject to stringent testing and provide the best way of summarising the main elements of emotional wellbeing. We also use their prescribed method for working out the results of the BE survey module. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale was developed with funding provided by the Scottish Government’s National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well-being. It was commissioned by NHS Scotland, developed by the University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh in 2006, and is jointly owned by NHS Scotland, The University of Warwick and the University of Edinburgh.
All the questions in both the DO and CONNECT domains are based on indicators used by recognised data agencies, adapted and tested by Happy City. The additional survey module, the Community Pulse, which is accessed via our Advanced package, uses the following data organisations as its source: the Office for National Statistics, the Understanding Society Survey, the European Quality of Life Survey and the Oxwell Survey. A number of the questions are adapted by Happy City.
Where we use a question directly from another source we also use the original response scale for that question.
For more detailed information about the methodology behind the Happiness Pulse, please read the Happiness Pulse Methodology in full (pdf).

Happiness Pulse data can be fed back at an individual, community or area level, allowing all stakeholders in local prosperity to better understand and act to develop it. Off the shelf or bespoke custom question modules may be added to the three domains, to explore issues relevant to a particular organisation, sector or local area.

Engages, informs and provides direct feedback enabling each user to assess and improve their own lives in simple, low-cost ways.
Organisations and groups of every size and from every sector can use the Pulse to map wellbeing strengths and needs and demonstrate their social impact.
Local authority/region
Create a detailed local picture of how people are feeling and functioning in their lives. Analyse wellbeing across geographical areas or demographics.