The Happiness Pulse delivers a rigorous, accessible and consistent measure of the social impact of policy. It tells you how things are on the ground and empowers citizens, community partners, and decision makers to measure, understand and improve wellbeing. The community question module gives you a detailed insight into how people are experiencing the places they live.


Get in touch with us to talk in detail about using the Happiness Pulse at local authority or community scale.
The Happiness Pulse can be used to create accurate and comparable data that will help you to:


Map, track and compare the wellbeing of communities of any size and demographic.
Get a full picture of how your area is doing.


Evaluate the social impact and value of the projects and programmes you fund, deliver or commission.


Prioritise resources and action towards the areas that need it most and into the actions that are proven to work.


Create a common currency across and between different policy issues.

The case for measuring wellbeing at scale

Wellbeing costs

The economic and social costs of low levels of wellbeing are high. Proactively measuring, understanding and improving wellbeing will save you time, money, effort and resources.

Asset-based approach

Build on what works by finding out what does! Using a consistent and proven method of getting to the heart of the social impact your policies and programmes make helps you and all your partners see what works (and do more of it).

Co-creating change

The Happiness Pulse helps citizens to understand and improve their own wellbeing, communities, businesses and projects to see what works and do more of it, and gives policy and decision makers information to create lasting change.

Funders and local commissioners could use the Happiness Pulse Advanced package to


Provide different projects or programmes with the opportunity to use the Happiness Pulse survey, as well as viewing the data from respondents over all.


Pinpoint areas for intervention or focus and inform decision making. Get a clear understanding of the current wellbeing benchmarks.


Use the Happiness Pulse as a tool for social prescribing. In 2019 we’ll be releasing a new survey module focusing on health and physical wellbeing.


Use the community question module to get an even greater insight into how subjective wellbeing is connected to environmental and social conditions.

Centre for Thriving Places can work with you to develop a bespoke Happiness Pulse tool for use in your communities. Based on the features available in our Advanced package, our digital and measurement teams will support you to create rigorous and reliable measurements customised to your needs. Please see here for more information. 

The Thriving Places Index


Using the Thriving Places Index and the Happiness Pulse together can give you powerful new insight into the communities you support. Combined, they can give you an in-depth understanding of what conditions need to be in place to support wellbeing, as well as how people are actually experiencing their lives and the communities they live in.

The Thriving Places Index is a new way to look at the strengths and challenges of local authority areas in England and Wales. It shows whether the conditions are in place for people to thrive – in a fair and sustainable way.

It provides a robust reporting framework to support decision-makers  to improve lives on the ground and to help shift the focus, place by place, towards measuring what matters.

Centre for Thriving Places can put together a package of bespoke consultancy, research and training to support policy and decision making with the Happiness Pulse and Thriving Places Index. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.